Questions About Being an Egg Donor
If you are a healthy and intelligent young lady between the ages of 21-29 and are interested in becoming an egg donor, don’t hesitate to contact us, or begin an online application if you have ready to take the first step.
Below are some answers to the questions we hear the most often.

How Do I Qualify?
To become an egg donor, you will need to be a healthy woman between the ages of 21 and 29 with no history of diseases or drug/alcohol abuse. Having already had a successful pregnancy is another key requirement. There are other specific screenings and tests you will need to complete to become a qualified egg donor.
How Do I Apply?
You will submit an egg donor application to Magic Journeys. If your application is accepted, we will schedule a consultation, verify your ID and medical history and, schedule a blood test to determine your fertility.
Are there any Medical Risks?
Egg Donation is a routine medical procedure. Your case manager will walk you through the procedure, letting you know any medical risks and all other issues before proceeding. It’s very important to understand how the medical aspects of egg donation work before you decide to donate. You will be required to follow specific IVF procedures prior to the egg retrieval to ensure health and fertility of the eggs.
Why should I choose Magic Journeys?
Similar to our surrogates, we sincerely value and respect our egg donors. Besides the industry-leading compensation package, you will experience the degree of respect and care that no other agencies can provide. Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation egg donor consultation, or check out our website to learn more about who we are, what we do, and why we aim to make the surrogacy process as rewarding as possible for everyone involved—including the egg donor, the surrogate mother and the intended parent.
What happens after I submit my application to be an egg donor?
A member of our admission team will review your application and reach out to you within 24hours if you qualify. An egg donor video consultation will be scheduled. You can use our easy online scheduling system through your online account to schedule your consultation stress free! The egg donation process will discuss your application in detail, and you can ask any questions you have at any time.
Once your egg donation consultation is done, we will ask for some documents including photos, IDs, transcripts, etc. A fertility testing will be conducted to measure hormone levels to ensure your body will produce an ideal number of good quality eggs. It’s also a great way to learn about your own fertility at no cost to you.
Then, we’ll make your egg donor profile and publish onto our online egg donor database, so that your profile will become searchable by IPs.
How Does the Parent/Donor Matching Process Work?
Your profile will be safe in our password protected database. When intended parents decide to use donated eggs, MJ will compare their profile and preferences against egg donor profiles to recommend “match” for them to consider. They will review the matched profiles and make their own decision as to the egg donor they wish to use.
How long does it take to get a match?
Match times vary greatly from within a day to over a year. The best advice we can give you is to be patient and take it easy. Your dedicated case manager will keep you updated on regular basis.
What Information Will the Intended Parents Get About Me?
Once you have been screened and approved to become a Magic Journeys egg donor, your profile will be created. You will remain completely anonymous to the intended parents, but they will be able to see your age, health history, ethnicity, education, IQ and other key details that will help them decide whose eggs they want to use.
What happens if I’m matched with intended parents?
Once a match is confirmed, our case manager will work with you to arrange the psychological evaluation and the full medical screening. You will also be referred to your attorney for the legal process. The medical clearance is usually received in about 2 weeks after the screening. Once the medical and legal processes are done, the egg donation cycle starts.
Is it OK to work with another egg donation agency in the meanwhile?
Though we do prefer that our egg donors work exclusively with MJ, it is understandable if you choose to work with another egg donor agency. Please keep in mind that once you are in process with another agency, you need to let us know right away, so we can mark your profile as currently unavailable in order to avoid any disappointed intended parents and/or any legal complications in the future.
I was adopted. Can I still apply to be an egg donor?
Yes. Being adopted doesn’t disqualify you. Please keep in mind that a full family health history is still mandatory including the biological parents, grandparents, and siblings. As long as you have access to this information, we welcome you to apply.
Do I need to travel? How much travel is involved?
The short answer is maybe. It really depends on where you live. If you live outside of Southern California, the chance is high that you will need to travel for your donation. Plan to take two trips to the IVF doctor for the donation process. The first is a one-day trip for your medical screening. You’ll get to choose the date of this appointment, so you can work it into your schedule. The appointment will need to occur Monday-Friday. The second trip for your actual egg retrieval will take 4-10 days, though it’s generally on the shorter end. Any appointments between your first and second trip will be at a local monitoring facility that your primary IVF doctor will send you to. A companion is needed for you on the day of your egg retrieval, so make sure to plan accordingly. All the travel costs for you and your companion are covered.
How much are egg donors paid?
The base egg donor compensation at Magic Journeys is $20,000. You may be able to earn more if you have outstanding qualities that make your eggs more desirable. It could go up to $100,000 for some specialty donors. Repeat egg donors can also earn more. All travel and medical expenses will also be covered. Learn more about Magic Journeys Egg Donor Compensation.
How many times can I be an egg donor? Do many of your egg donors donate multiple times?
Many Magic Journeys egg donors can donate up to 6 times per donor. Once you go through it for once, it is gratifying and fairly easy to repeat. However, medical reviews are performed between each cycle to ensure the quality of each donation.
How long does the egg donation process take?
After you have been officially selected and approved as a Magic Journeys, LLC egg donor, it typically takes around 2-4 months before any egg retrieval occurs. It can take longer or go quickly based on your situation and how soon a match is found. Your case manager will keep you updated.
How long do I have to wait in between egg donations?
If you decide you’d like to donate your eggs more than one time, you will need to have two regular periods between cycles.
Does my sexual partner need to undergo any medical tests?
If you have any sexual partners, they will be subject to infectious disease screening as part of the medical review process. The costs be covered by the intended parents. An average abstinence period of 3-4 weeks before egg retrieval is required.
Do egg donors meet the parents? The offspring?
This is entirely up to you and the parents. MJ will ask your preference on this issue during the screening/application process, so you can decide if you want to meet the parents or the child. Even if you do want to, however, it is still up to the IPs. We simply let them know your preferences and they decide how they want it to be handled.
Do I have to be abstinent during the entire egg donation process?
No, you don’t. Each IVF doctor is a little different, but the average period of abstinence is 3-4 weeks total. We’ll be honest. Not many egg donors are really interested in being sexually active during this time period, as you may have some bloating and abdominal tenderness.
Can I be an egg donor if I am a transgender man (my sex assigned at birth was female, but I am male)?
We would love to consider you as an egg donor, as long as you have not taken testosterone as part of your transition. Being an egg donor requires the administering of fertility medication to stimulate the ovaries, and testosterone can interfere with the fertility medical protocol.